Répertoire du corps professoral
Roger Hernandez
Professeur associé
(418) 656-3025
Pavillon Abitibi-Price
2405, rue de la Terrasse
Local 3137
Influence de la microstructure sur la distribution de l'humidité d'équilibre et des déformations dans le bois
Programme: Subventions à la découverte SD (individuelles et d'équipe)
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC), Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 avril 2016
au 1 février 2026
Financements des 2 dernières années
Matériaux renouvelables Québec
Programme: Appui aux réseaux d'innovation
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies, Cecobois, AIREX Énergie
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 21 mai 2019
au 8 décembre 2023
Optimization of microstructure and coatings of circular blades to improve sawing performance of the wood manufacturing sector
Programme: Subventions de recherche et développement coopérative (RDC)
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC), Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada, FPInnovations
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 avril 2018
au 31 décembre 2023
Infrastructure de support au développement de matériaux et systèmes de construction biosourcés
Programme: Fonds d'innovation (FI)
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Fondation Canadienne pour l'innovation (La), Serex, Université Laval - Fonds internes, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Cégep de Trois-Rivières, Ministère de l'éducation et de l'enseignement supérieur
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 mars 2018
au 31 mars 2023
Encadrements terminés dans les 5 dernières années
Publications des 5 dernières années
Effects of log temperature, cutting width, and knots on the surface quality of the cants produced by a chipper-canter Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2024/09/02. Imen Elloumi, Roger. E. Hernández, Claudia. B. Cáceres, Carl Blais. DOI 10.1080/17480272.2023.2294338
Cutting speed and feed-per-knife effects on surface quality of cants produced by a chipper-canter Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2024/03/03. Cleide B. Bourscheid, Roger E. Hernández, Claudia B. Cáceres, Carl Blais. DOI 10.1080/17480272.2023.2263991
Effect of tip path overlap on ring debarker performance of frozen and unfrozen black spruce logs Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2024/01/02. Wassim Kharrat, Roger. E. Hernández, Claudia. B. Cáceres. DOI 10.1080/17480272.2023.2237492
Cutting forces and noise in helical planing black spruce wood as affected by the helix angle and feed per knife Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2023/03/04. Paul Wellenreiter, Roger E. Hernández, Claudia B. Cáceres, Carl Blais. DOI 10.1080/17480272.2022.2056079
Moisture-induced strains in earlywood and latewood of mature and juvenile woods in jack pine from 3D-DIC measurements Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2022/03/28. DOI 10.1080/17480272.2022.2056714
Effects of log temperature, moisture content, and cutting width on energy requirements for processing logs by a chipper–canter Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2022/02/14. DOI 10.1080/17480272.2022.2037705
Effects of helix angle and feed per knife on cutting forces, noise, and power consumption produced during helical planing of sugar maple wood Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2022/01. DOI 10.1139/cjfr-2021-0076
Effects of temperature and moisture content of logs on size distribution of black spruce chips produced by a chipper-canter at two cutting widths BioResources, 2021/08/11. DOI 10.15376/biores.16.4.6684-6704
Influence of radial force and rake angle on ring debarking efficiency of frozen and unfrozen black spruce logs European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 2021. Kharrat, W., Hernández, R.E., Cáceres, C.B., Blais, C.. DOI 10.1007/s00107-020-01640-8
Effects of radial force and log position on the stem on ring-debarker efficiency in frozen black spruce logs Wood Material Science and Engineering, 2021. Kharrat, W., Hernández, R.E., Cáceres, C.B., Blais, C.. DOI 10.1080/17480272.2020.1801837
Black spruce trees from uneven-aged, old-growth stands produce more dimensionally stable wood than trees from fire-origin even-aged stands Wood Science and Technology, 2021. Torquato, L.P., Hernández, R.E., Duchesne, I., Auty, D., Achim, A.. DOI 10.1007/s00226-021-01314-5
Swelling strain assessment of fiber and parenchyma tissues in the tropical hardwood Ormosia coccinea Wood Science and Technology, 2020. Garcia, R.A., Rosero-Alvarado, J., Hernández, R.E.. DOI 10.1007/s00226-020-01223-z
Ring debarking efficiency of frozen balsam fir logs is affected by the radial force but not by the log position on the stem Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2020. Kharrat, W., Hernández, R.E., Cáceres, C.B., Blais, C.. DOI 10.1139/cjfr-2020-0116
Performance of solvent-borne coating on red oak wood prepared by two alternative surfacing processes European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 2020. Ugulino, B., Hernández, R.E.. DOI 10.1007/s00107-020-01547-4
Influence of temperature and moisture content on bark/wood shear strength of black spruce and balsam fir logs Wood Science and Technology, 2020. Ugulino, B., Cáceres, C.B., Hernández, R.E., Blais, C.. DOI 10.1007/s00226-020-01198-x
Effects of fire-retardant treatment and wood grain on three-dimensional changes of sandwich panels made from bubinga decorative veneer Wood Material Science and Engineering, 2020. Rosero-Alvarado, Jedi, Hernandez, Roger E., Riedl, Bernard. DOI 10.1080/17480272.2018.1465464
Full-field moisture-induced strains of the different tissues of tamarack and red oak woods assessed by 3D digital image correlation Wood Science and Technology, 2020/01. DOI 10.1007/s00226-019-01145-5
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