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Paul H. Roy

Professeur associé
(418) 656-2965
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, avenue de la Médecine
Local 3428

Unité de rattachement — Faculté
Sciences et génie

Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec - Université Laval

Publications des 5 dernières années

Comment on “Conserved phylogenetic distribution and limited antibiotic resistance of class 1 integrons revealed by assessing the bacterial genome and plasmid collection” by A.N. Zhang et al. Microbiome, 2021/12. Paul H. Roy, Sally R. Partridge, Ruth M. Hall. DOI 10.1186/s40168-020-00950-6

Complete Genome Sequences of Klebsiella michiganensis and Citrobacter farmeri, KPC-2-Producers Serially Isolated from a Single Patient Antibiotics, 2021/11/18. Jehane Y. Abed, Maxime Déraspe, Ève Bérubé, Matthew D’Iorio, Ken Dewar, Maurice Boissinot, Jacques Corbeil, Michel G. Bergeron, Paul H. Roy. DOI 10.3390/antibiotics10111408

Classifying mobile genetic elements and their interactions from sequence data: The importance of existing biological knowledge Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021/08/31. Sally R. Partridge, Virve I. Enne, Elisabeth Grohmann, Ruth M. Hall, Julian I. Rood, Paul H. Roy, Christopher M. Thomas, Neville Firth. DOI 10.1073/pnas.2104685118

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