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Natalie Le Sage

Professeure de clinique titulaire
(418) 656-2131, poste 403678
Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry
1050, avenue de la Médecine
Local 4617

Unité de rattachement — Faculté

VITAM - Centre de recherche en santé durable (Affilié à l’Université Laval)
Centre de recherche du CISSS de Chaudière-Appalaches (Affilié à l’Université Laval)
Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec - Université Laval
VITAM - Centre de recherche en santé durable (Reconnu FRQ - secteur santé)

Système canadien hospitalier d'information sur la recherche en prévention des traumatismes (SCHIRPT)
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Santé Canada
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 avril 2014 au 31 mars 2026

Publications des 5 dernières années

Cognitive functioning following traumatic brain injury in older adults: associations with social participation and health-related quality of life Brain Injury, 2022/07/29. Laurence Caron, Marie-Christine Ouellet, Carol Hudon, David Predovan, Marie-Josée Sirois, Élaine de Guise, Marie-Ève Lamontagne, Marcel Émond, Natalie Le Sage, Simon Beaulieu-Bonneau. DOI 10.1080/02699052.2022.2110284

Personalised risk prediction following emergency department assessment for syncope Emergency Medicine Journal, 2022/07. Venkatesh Thiruganasambandamoorthy, Justin W Yan, Brian H Rowe, Éric Mercier, Natalie Le Sage, Mona Hegdekar, Anne Finlayson, Paul Huang, Hassan Mohammad, Muhammad Mukarram, Phuong Anh (Iris) Nguyen, Shahbaz Syed, Andrew D McRae, Marie-Joe Nemnom, Monica Taljaard, Marco LA Silviotti. DOI 10.1136/emermed-2020-211095

The Association Between Self-Reported Cigarette Smoking and Spinal Pain is Not Explained by Serum Cotinine Levels Annals of Epidemiology, 2022/03. Clermont E. Dionne, Danielle Laurin, Thérèse Desrosiers, Belkacem Abdous, Natalie Le Sage, Jérôme Frenette, Myrto Mondor. DOI 10.1016/j.annepidem.2021.12.006

A Delphi study to identify prehospital and emergency department trauma care modifiers for older adults Canadian Journal of Surgery, 2021/05/01. Krishan Yadav, Valérie Boucher, Natalie Le Sage, Christian Malo, Éric Mercier, Philippe Voyer, Julien Clément, Marcel Émond. DOI 10.1503/cjs.021519

S100B protein level for the detection of clinically significant intracranial haemorrhage in patients with mild traumatic brain injury: A subanalysis of a prospective cohort study Emergency Medicine Journal, 2021. Blais Lécuyer, J., Mercier, É., Tardif, P.-A., Archambault, P.M., Chauny, J.-M., Berthelot, S., Frenette, J., Perry, J., Stiell, I., Émond, M., Lee, J., Lang, E., McRae, A., Boucher, V., Le Sage, N.. DOI 10.1136/emermed-2020-209583

Post-concussion symptoms in sports-related mild traumatic brain injury compared to non-sports-related mild traumatic brain injury Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2021. Beauchamp, F., Boucher, V., Neveu, X., Ouellet, V., Archambault, P., Berthelot, S., Chauny, J.-M., de Guise, E., Émond, M., Frenette, J., Lang, E., Lee, J., Mercier, É., Moore, L., Ouellet, M.-C., Perry, J., Le Sage, N.. DOI 10.1007/s43678-020-00060-0

Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms: An Expert Consensus-Based Definition Using the Delphi Method Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 2021. Lagacé-Legendre, C., Boucher, V., Robert, S., Tardif, P.-A., Ouellet, M.-C., De Guise, E., Boulard, G., Frémont, P., Émond, M., Moore, L., Le Sage, N.. DOI 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000613

Expert Panel Survey to Update the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Definition of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2021. Silverberg, N.D., Iverson, G.L., Arciniegas, D.B., Bayley, M.T., Bazarian, J.J., Bell, K.R., Broglio, S.P., Cifu, D., Davis, G.A., Dvorak, J., Echemendia, R.J., Gioia, G.A., Giza, C.C., Hinds, S.R., Katz, D.I., Kurowski, B.G., Leddy, J.J., Le Sage, N., Lumba-Brown, A., Maas, A.I.R., Manley, G.T., McCrea, M., McCrory, P., Menon, D.K., Putukian, M., Suskauer, S.J., van der Naalt, J., Walker, W.C., Yeates, K.O., Zafonte, R., Zasler, N., Zemek, R., Brown, J., Cogan, A., Dams-O'Connor, K., Delmonico, R., Park Graf, M.J., Iaccarino, M.A., Kajankova, M., Kamins, J., McCulloch, K.L., McKinney, G., Nagele, D., Panenka, W.J., Rabinowitz, A.R., Reed, N., Wethe, J.V., Whitehair, V.. DOI 10.1016/j.apmr.2020.08.022

Multicenter Emergency Department Validation of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score JAMA Internal Medicine, 2020. Thiruganasambandamoorthy, V., Sivilotti, M.L.A., Le Sage, N., Yan, J.W., Huang, P., Hegdekar, M., Mercier, E., Mukarram, M., Nemnom, M.-J., McRae, A.D., Rowe, B.H., Stiell, I.G., Wells, G.A., Krahn, A.D., Taljaard, M.. DOI 10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.0288

Head CT overuse in children with a mild traumatic brain injury within two Canadian emergency departments Paediatrics and Child Health (Canada), 2020. Gariepy, M., Gravel, J., Légaré, F., Melnick, E.R., Hess, E.P., Witteman, H.O., Lelaidier-Hould, L., Truchon, C., Sauvé, L., Plante, P., Le Sage, N., Archambault, P.M.. DOI 10.1093/pch/pxy180

Clinically significant traumatic intracranial hemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort study Brain Injury, 2020. O’Brien, T., Mitra, B., Le Sage, N., Tardif, P.-A., Emond, M., D’Astous, M., Mercier, E.. DOI 10.1080/02699052.2020.1753242

Benefit of hospital admission for detecting serious adverse events among emergency department patients with syncope: A propensity-score–matched analysis of a multicentre prospective cohort CMAJ, 2020. Krishnan, R.J., Mukarram, M., Ghaedi, B., Sivilotti, M.L.A., Le Sage, N., Yan, J.W., Huang, P., Hegdekar, M., Mercier, E., Nemnom, M.-J., Calder, L.A., McRae, A.D., Rowe, B.H., Wells, G.A., Thiruganasambandamoorthy, V.. DOI 10.1503/cmaj.191637

Adapting two American Decision Aids for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury to the Canadian Context Using the Nominal Group Technique Patient, 2020. Ghandour, E.K., Lelaidier Hould, L., Fortier, F.-A., Gélinas, V., Melnick, E.R., Hess, E.P., Lang, E.S., Gravel, J., Perry, J.J., Le Sage, N., Truchon, C., LeBlanc, A., Dubrovsky, A.S., Gagnon, M.-P., Ouellet, M.-C., Gagnon, I., McKenna, S., Légaré, F., Sauvé, L., van de Belt, T.H., Kavanagh, É., Paquette, L., Verrette, A.-C., Plante, P., Riopelle, R.J., Archambault, P.M.. DOI 10.1007/s40271-020-00459-y

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