Répertoire du corps professoral
Mahée Gilbert-Ouimet
Professeure associée
(418) 656-7888
Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry
1050, avenue de la Médecine
Local 2428
Bien-être sur scène: Perspectives des acteur.trice.s et des personnes en position d'autorité dans le milieu théâtral québécois du réseau du Théâtre Périscope
Programme: Subvention d'engagement partenarial
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 décembre 2024
au 30 novembre 2025
Projet BEST - Vers l’amélioration du Bien-Être et de la Santé au Travail (BEST) du personnel de la santé et des services sociaux (Budget UQAR)
Programme: Subvention par projet de recherche
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé & sécurité du travail
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université du Québec à Rimouski - UQAR
Du 1 juillet 2024
au 30 juin 2027
Projet BEST - Vers l’amélioration du Bien-Être et de la Santé au Travail (BEST) du personnel de la santé et des services sociaux (Budget ULaval)
Programme: Subvention par projet de recherche
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé & sécurité du travail
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 juillet 2024
au 30 juin 2027
Améliorer la prédiction du risque cardiovasculaire en considérant les stresseurs psychosociaux au travail
Programme: Subvention Projet
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 avril 2024
au 31 mars 2027
L’expérience du personnel infirmier dans le réseau public québécois: Une étude longitudinale sur les déterminants multi-niveaux de la rétention
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 août 2023
au 31 décembre 2026
Prévenir l’hypertension, le diabète de type 2 et les maladies cardiovasculaires en ciblant les stresseurs psychosociaux au travail, les longues heures de travail et les mauvaises habitudes de vie : Des fractions
Programme: Subvention Projet
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 octobre 2022
au 31 mars 2026
Agir en amont des problèmes : Développement, validation et implantation d'un outil BaromÊtre de la santé psychologique organisationnelle
Programme: Subvention par projet de recherche
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé & sécurité du travail
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 15 septembre 2022
au 15 mars 2027
Comment créer un environnement de travail favorable à la santé durable pour les infirmières?
Programme: Subvention par projet de recherche
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé & sécurité du travail
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 15 juillet 2022
au 14 juillet 2025
Financements des 2 dernières années
A sex and gender examination of the relationships between psychosocial stressors at work, long working hours and the 24-year incidence of cardiovascular diseases among 9,188 women and men
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Fondation des maladies du coeur et de l'AVC du Canada
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 septembre 2023
au 1 juillet 2024
Une solution numérique au service de la relance postpandémique et de la santé mentale au travail
Programme: Nouvelles frontières en recherche
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université du Québec à Rimouski - UQAR
Du 1 février 2023
au 31 janvier 2025
Développement d'outils numériques afin de prévenir et de réduire les risques psychosociaux : une approche collaborative par un regroupement en santé durable
Programme: Accélération Québec (MITACS et gouvernement provincial)
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): MITACS Inc.
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 21 septembre 2022
au 22 juillet 2023
L'attrition chez les infirmières dans le réseau public: une étude d'incident critique
Programme: Subvention d'engagement partenarial
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 mars 2022
au 28 février 2025
Encadrements terminés dans les 5 dernières années
Publications des 5 dernières années
Self-compassion, burnout, and biomarkers in a sample of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional correlational study Discover Psychology, 2024. Bégin, C., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Truchon, M.. DOI 10.1007/s44202-024-00192-9
Psychosocial Stressors at Work and Atrial Fibrillation Incidence: An 18-Year Prospective Study Journal of the American Heart Association, 2024. Diffo, E.T., Lavigne-Robichaud, M., Milot, A., Brisson, C., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Vézina, M., Talbot, D., Trudel, X.. DOI 10.1161/JAHA.123.032414
Methods used to account for caregivers’ sex and gender within studies examining the financial burden of caregivers of children and adolescents: Results from a scoping review ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 2024. Guertin, J.R., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Dugas, M., Carnovale, V., Jalbert, L., Svyntozelska, O., Demers, J., Matteau, L., Bergeron, F., Leblanc, A.. DOI 10.2147/CEOR.S443077
Long working hours at midlife and arterial stiffness at older age among white-collar workers followed over 24 years Research Square, 2024. Sisti, C.B., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Lavigne-Robichaud, M., Brisson, C., Milot, A., Trudel, X.. DOI 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4920299/v1
Incorporating sex and gender considerations in research on psychosocial work exposures and cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review of 55 prospective studies Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2024. Zahiriharsini, A., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Hervieux, V., Trudel, X., Matteau, L., Jalbert, L., Svyntozelska, O., Demers, J., LeBlanc, A., Smith, P.. DOI 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2024.105916
Incorporating Sex and Gender Considerations in Research on Psychosocial Work Exposures and Cardiovascular Diseases: An Umbrella Review of 55 Prospective Studies on Demand-Control Model, Effort-Reward Imbalance Model, and Long Work Hours SSRN, 2024. Zahiriharsini, A., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Hervieux, V., Trudel, X., Matteau, L., Jalbert, L., Svyntozelska, O., Demers, J., LeBlanc, A., Smith, P.. DOI 10.2139/ssrn.4751277
Direct medical costs of cardiovascular diseases: Do cost components vary according to sex and age? PLoS ONE, 2024. Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Sultan-Taïeb, H., Charif, A.B., Brisson, C., Lavigne-Robichaud, M., Milot, A., Trudel, X., Demers, É., Guertin, J.R.. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0311599
Costs of Presenteeism and Absenteeism Associated with Psychological Distress among Male and Female Older Workers: A Cross-sectional Study Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2024. Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Sultan-Taïeb, H., Aubé, K., Matteau, L., Trudel, X., Brisson, C., Guertin, J.R.. DOI 10.1097/JOM.0000000000003182
Work-Related Psychosocial Factors and Global Cognitive Function: Are Telomere Length and Low-Grade Inflammation Potential Mediators of This Association? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023. Duchaine, C.S., Brisson, C., Diorio, C., Talbot, D., Maunsell, E., Carmichael, P.-H., Giguère, Y., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Trudel, X., Ndjaboué, R., Vézina, M., Milot, A., Mâsse, B., Dionne, C.E., Laurin, D.. DOI 10.3390/ijerph20064929
Socioeconomic inequalities, psychosocial stressors at work and physician-diagnosed depression: Time-to-event mediation analysis in the presence of time-varying confounders PLoS ONE, 2023. Pena-Gralle, A.P.B., Talbot, D., Trudel, X., Milot, A., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Lavigne-Robichaud, M., Ndjaboué, R., Lesage, A., Lauzier, S., Vézina, M., Siegrist, J., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0293388
Psychosocial Stressors at Work and Coronary Heart Disease Risk in Men and Women: 18-Year Prospective Cohort Study of Combined Exposures Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 2023. Lavigne-Robichaud, M., Trudel, X., Talbot, D., Milot, A., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Vézina, M., Laurin, D., Dionne, C.E., Pearce, N., Dagenais, G.R., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.122.009700
Nursing students' academic conditions, psychological distress, and intention to leave school: A cross-sectional study Nurse Education Today, 2023. Matteau, L., Toupin, I., Ouellet, N., Beaulieu, M., Truchon, M., Gilbert-Ouimet, M.. DOI 10.1016/j.nedt.2023.105877
Effort-reward imbalance at work, glycated hemoglobin and prediabetes prevalence in a prospective cohort medRxiv, 2023. Riopel, C., Trudel, X., Milot, A., Laurin, D., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.1101/2023.01.07.23284201
Association between psychosocial work-related factors at midlife and arterial stiffness at older age in a prospective cohort of 1736 white-collar workers BMJ Open, 2023. Massamba, V.K., Talbot, D., Milot, A., Trudel, X., Dionne, C.E., Vézina, M., Mâsse, B., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Dagenais, G.R., Pearce, N., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073649
The Relationship Between Overqualification and Incident Diabetes: A 14-Year Follow-Up Study Psychosomatic Medicine, 2022. Padkapayeva, K., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Mustard, C., Glazier, R.H., Smith, P.M.. DOI 10.1097/PSY.0000000000001087
Predict, prevent and manage moral injuries in Canadian frontline healthcare workers and leaders facing the COVID-19 pandemic: Protocol of a mixed methods study SSM - Mental Health, 2022. Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Zahiriharsini, A., Biron, C., Langlois, L., Ménard, C., Lebel, M., Pelletier, J., Duchaine, C., Beaulieu, M., Truchon, M.. DOI 10.1016/j.ssmmh.2022.100124
Occupational Health and Well-being Questionnaire (OHWQ): an instrument to assess psychosocial risk and protective factors in the workplace Public Health, 2022. Truchon, M., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Zahiriharsini, A., Beaulieu, M., Daigle, G., Langlois, L.. DOI 10.1016/j.puhe.2022.06.008
Low Social Support at Work and Ambulatory Blood Pressure in a Repeated Cross-sectional Study of White-Collar Workers Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2022. Trudel, X., Tiwa DIffo, E., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Mesidor, M., Talbot, D., Milot, A., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.1093/annweh/wxab096
Long working hours associated with elevated ambulatory blood pressure among female and male white-collar workers over a 2.5-year follow-up Journal of Human Hypertension, 2022. Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Trudel, X., Talbot, D., Vézina, M., Milot, A., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.1038/s41371-021-00499-3
Job strain and effort–reward imbalance as risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2022. Pena-Gralle, A.P.B., Talbot, D., Duchaine, C.S., Lavigne-Robichaud, M., Trudel, X., Aubé, K., Gralle, M., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Milot, A., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.5271/sjweh.3987
Issue with Evaluating Costs Over Time in a Context of Medical Guideline Changes: An Example in Myocardial Infarction Care Based on a Longitudinal Study from 1997 to 2018 ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 2022. Villeneuve, T., Trudel, X., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Leclerc, J., Milot, A., Sultan-Taïeb, H., Brisson, C., Guertin, J.R.. DOI 10.2147/CEOR.S340385
Associations between psychosocial stressors at work and moral injury in frontline healthcare workers and leaders facing the COVID-19 pandemic in Quebec, Canada: A cross-sectional study Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2022. Zahiriharsini, A., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Langlois, L., Biron, C., Pelletier, J., Beaulieu, M., Truchon, M.. DOI 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.09.006
Validity of participants' self-reported diagnosis for a work absence due to a mental health problem compared with physician-certified diagnosis for the same work absence among 709 Canadian workers Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2021. Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Trudel, X., Aubé, K., Ndjaboue, R., Duchaine, C.S., Blanchette, C., Vézina, M., Milot, A., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.1136/oemed-2020-106658
Reply: Job Strain and Recurrent Coronary Events Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2021. Trudel, X., Brisson, C., Talbot, D., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Milot, A.. DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2021.05.025
Psychosocial stressors at work and inflammatory biomarkers: PROspective Quebec Study on Work and Health Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2021. Duchaine, C.S., Brisson, C., Talbot, D., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Trudel, X., Vézina, M., Milot, A., Diorio, C., Ndjaboué, R., Giguère, Y., Mâsse, B., Dionne, C.E., Maunsell, E., Laurin, D.. DOI 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105400
Long Working Hours and Risk of Recurrent Coronary Events Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2021. Trudel, X., Brisson, C., Talbot, D., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Milot, A.. DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2021.02.012
Job strain and incident cardiovascular disease: the confounding and mediating effects of lifestyle habits. An overview of systematic reviews Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 2021. Riopel, C., Lavigne-Robichaud, M., Trudel, X., Milot, A., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Talbot, D., Aubé, K., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.1080/19338244.2020.1828244
Job Strain, Overweight, and Diabetes: A 13-Year Prospective Study among 12,896 Men and Women in Ontario Psychosomatic Medicine, 2021. Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Glazier, R.H., Brisson, C., Mustard, C., Smith, P.M.. DOI 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000898
Examining the relationship between the demand-control model and incident myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure in a representative sample of the employed women and men in Ontario, Canada, over a 15-year period Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2021. Smith, P., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Brisson, C., Glazier, R.H., Mustard, C.A.. DOI 10.17269/s41997-020-00378-3
Effectiveness of a workplace intervention reducing psychosocial stressors at work on blood pressure and hypertension Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2021. Trudel, X., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Vézina, M., Talbot, D., Mâsse, B., Milot, A., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.1136/oemed-2020-107293
Cumulative exposure to psychosocial stressors at work and global cognitive function: The PROspective Quebec Study on Work and Health Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2021. Duchaine, C.S., Brisson, C., Talbot, D., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Trudel, X., Vézina, M., Milot, A., Diorio, C., Ndjaboué, R., Giguère, Y., Mâsse, B., Dionne, C.E., Maunsell, E., Laurin, D.. DOI 10.1136/oemed-2021-107407
Combined Associations of Work and Leisure Time Physical Activity on Incident Diabetes Risk American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2021. Biswas, A., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Mustard, C.A., Glazier, R.H., Smith, P.M.. DOI 10.1016/j.amepre.2020.09.017
Psychosocial work stressors, high family responsibilities, and psychological distress among women: A 5-year prospective study American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2020. Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Brisson, C., Vézina, M.. DOI 10.1002/ajim.23070
Psychosocial stressors at work and the risk of sickness absence due to a diagnosed mental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis JAMA Psychiatry, 2020. Duchaine, C.S., Aubé, K., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Vézina, M., Ndjaboué, R., Massamba, V., Talbot, D., Lavigne-Robichaud, M., Trudel, X., Pena-Gralle, A.-P.B., Lesage, A., Moore, L., Milot, A., Laurin, D., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2020.0322
Long Working Hours and the Prevalence of Masked and Sustained Hypertension Hypertension, 2020. Trudel, X., Brisson, C., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Vézina, M., Talbot, D., Milot, A.. DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.12926
Differences between women and men in the relationship between psychosocial stressors at work and work absence due to mental health problem Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2020. Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Trudel, X., Aubé, K., Ndjaboue, R., Duchaine, C., Blanchette, C., Mâsse, B., Vézina, M., Milot, A., Brisson, C.. DOI 10.1136/oemed-2019-106242
Body mass index trajectories among the Canadian workforce and their association with work environment trajectories over 17 years Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2020. Dobson, K.G., Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Mustard, C., Smith, P.M.. DOI 10.1136/oemed-2019-106023
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